Employment Handbooks

Company Handbooks

You must ensure that your Company Handbook reflects your organisation and is not just a generic mass of paper and ink that does not get a second glance until either someone does something wrong or has a question. The Company Handbook should reflect all of your organisations codes and practices; if you don’t do it then it should not be in there.

We can help you to develop new Company Handbooks to meet your Organisation requirement or vet your current Handbook to ensure that you are complying with everything in there. We will also guide you through the consultation stages with your employees.

Hawks Green Consultancy offers a service where we prepare your Company Handbook for you. We create the Handbook to reflect the practices that you follow in the organisation and it will be tailored specifically for you.

As a company we do not take the ‘one fits all’ approach, we believe that getting your Company Handbook correct is crucial. It should reflect what you currently do and set out easy to follow policies for employers and employees. If a Company Handbook is over complicated it could cause problems if it is not followed correctly, that is why we like to take the approach that if you don’t do it then it shouldn’t be in there, and all the key policies that should be in there we advise you on. We can also provide training on how to comply with the policies correctly if required – see our training and development page.

If you are interested in using this service please contact us and we will provide you with quotation based on your requirements.

Vetted Company Handbooks

Are you unsure if the current Company Handbook that you have in place is being followed properly and reflects your practices accurately? Then use our HR audit and vetting service click here and we will go through every aspect of it with you to ensure that what is in there is what you do. We will also make sure that anything that is missing is in there too. We will give you guidance all the way through the consultation process to make sure that you comply with legislation when making any changes to your Company Handbook.

Company Handbooks are in place to help the employer and the employee understand what is expected of each other. They contain the rules that you want your employee to follow but also explain to the employee the guidelines that you are going to follow too. These must be accurate because if they are not followed you could be in breach of contract.

Call us for more information

Bespoke Handbook


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Tel: 01543 459 397
Fax: 01543 459 476